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Small Business Dissertation Topics

Small Business Dissertation Topics

Almost every country relies significantly on small enterprises to keep its economy afloat. They are responsible for economic growth, wealth creation, job creation, and market expansion. Thus, governments foster new ventures while emphasizing entrepreneurial skills development through educational and apprenticeship programs. On the other hand, the high costs of entry into a market mean that small enterprises face enormous barriers to becoming suppliers to selective consumers. Multiple tools, techniques, approaches, and methodologies are necessary for small enterprises to maintain control of operations and compete on a national and worldwide scale. We’ve produced a list of 15 dissertation themes for small businesses, many of which center on technology or future trends.

Editingarsenal has compiled a list of some of the most popular and common dissertation topics from a variety of academic disciplines, so you can pick and choose what to write about. If you need dissertation editing assistance , don’t hesitate to contact one of our qualified and experienced editors and proofreaders.

Possible Topics For Small Business

  • The extent to which business schools encourage students to create their own businesses is critical.
  • Business schools provide theoretical education to students interested in business. However, not all graduates pursue careers as entrepreneurs or business owners; in fact, many seek employment in other fields. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent to which higher education influences people’s decision to establish new firms following graduation.
  • Is crowdfunding a viable long-term business model for small businesses?
  • Small firms in the world’s most industrialised economies are increasingly turning to crowdfunders for finance. The purpose of this dissertation is to determine whether crowdfunding is a viable method of money raising for small enterprises. As a result, it will gain a better understanding of the obstacles enterprises may face when raising finance for future projects.
  • The reasons for small business failure include the following: The factors that contribute to their success
  • Entrepreneurs launch new firms, but not all of them succeed despite their best efforts. As it becomes more difficult to establish and advertise a small firm, this dissertation will analyse the aspects that contribute to its success.
  • Many entrepreneurs wonder if tiny enterprises can compete with huge organisations.
  • Small businesses frequently fear that larger organisations will stifle their growth. The purpose of this dissertation is to ascertain the impact of large organisations on small firms. Its specific objective is to ascertain the impact of an increase in convenience shop density.
  • The case study examines sustainable business practises in London-based SMEs.
  • Businesses cannot ignore or disregard the growing trend toward sustainable development. SME’s can have a direct impact on the achievement of sustainable development goals. Sustainable business practises can provide a competitive edge. These studies will examine how sustainable development might be incorporated into the operations of small and medium-sized businesses throughout the London metropolitan area.
  • Nigerian Manufacturing Firms’ Strategies
  • The majority of empirical research on internationalisation methods has been conducted on SMEs in the oil and gas industry. It is critical for the government to understand the barriers and facilitators to internationalisation of SMEs in the manufacturing sector as it seeks to diversify its economy beyond oil and gas. As a result, this research will concentrate on the techniques used by Nigerian manufacturing enterprises in their pursuit of a share of the worldwide market. This will be accomplished by examining how owners and managers of small and medium-sized businesses perceive and react to the study’s subject.
  • In the United Kingdom, SME Growth and the Role of Social Media Advertising
  • Small firms, particularly those in growing industries, are increasingly required to market their products and services in order to increase revenue and expand. These types of discussions generate drivers, individuals who can have an impact on business. Our primary goal is to determine how SMEs may use social media dialogues to influence public perception about their products and services. It examines the effects of various social media platforms on the development of effective online marketing strategies for small and medium-sized businesses.
  • Changes in Small Business Management: Prospects for the Future
  • Over the previous three decades, modern management practises have matured into a new management science. Businesses in the twenty-first century must educate present and future executives on how to operate in an environment where management techniques are continually changing, a notion known as “change management.” The fundamental objective of this dissertation is to study small business change management techniques necessary for future market expansion.
  • Retail SMEs in the United Kingdom face a variety of technical problems and opportunities in the coming years.
  • To thrive in the UK’s growing research, innovation, and technology sector, SMEs must catch up to resource-rich giant multinational corporations. While small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) make a sizable contribution to the UK retail sector, the consequences of the UK technology environment for SMEs are poorly understood. In other words, the purpose of this dissertation is to increase awareness of the technical issues confronting small retail businesses in the United Kingdom, as well as the potential opportunities that may come in the future.
  • A novel method for assessing the health and safety performance of small businesses
  • Efforts in developed countries to prevent occupational accidents and illnesses have proven successful in recent years. Of course, there is always space for improvement, particularly with tiny firms! Given the overburden on workplace accident prevention experts and the current scarcity of resources and tools for accelerating the process of assessing occupational health and safety performance, the current study seeks to address this deficiency by proposing an innovative tool for evaluating occupational health and safety performance that is more suited to small businesses. The first step of the research should be conducted using a theoretical model, while the second stage should be conducted using an action research approach. The study’s objectives are to evaluate the tool’s dependability and use during installation.
  • Entrepreneurship and the Impact of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) on Small Businesses’ Cloud Migration
  • Using management and strategic decision theory, this dissertation investigates how small enterprises are migrating to the Cloud. Due to their entrepreneurial spirit and external challenges, the current study finds that small firms urgently need to migrate to the cloud. Numerous small-business cases are utilised to evaluate the suggested research model and to determine whether the influence of strategic direction and external pressures can be mitigated through their transformation to a cloud-based environment.
  • How the internet and social media affect small firms’ ability to innovate
  • In 2018, the internet and social media have irrevocably impacted the way organisations work, notably in terms of marketing, communication, and cooperation methods. as well as teamwork. On the basis of what has been asserted, an attempt was made to quantify the innovation potential associated with interactions between small business representatives and their stakeholders on and through the internet and social media (such as clients, suppliers, partner companies and communities). The study will determine whether small-business representatives are aware of the benefits the internet and social media may bring to innovation, and whether they employ any approaches to facilitate communication with their stakeholders.
  • Investigate the efficacy of technology and equipment in small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs)
  • Small manufacturing businesses are struggling to keep up with rapid technological advancements. The transition from conventional production platforms to advanced technology systems has been necessitated by current industrial breakthroughs. Numerous manufacturing tactics have been developed by small and medium-sized businesses as a result of this transition. Effectiveness of technology and equipment has also become a major concern for modern manufacturing technology systems. However, due to a scarcity of empirical evidence, it is impossible to evaluate whether these tactics have any effect on SMEs’ success. As a result, we aim to study the relationship between lean manufacturing and the ability of SMEs to perform by examining the role of technology and equipment efficacy in agile and lean manufacturing.