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What Makes Us Stand Out From Other Proofreading Services

There are a countless number of proofreading services that claim to provide top-notch and finest services. The truth is there are only a handful of services that live up to their billing. As the popular adage goes: not everything glitters is gold.  What are the reasons that make us stand out from the rest? There are only a few but very essential factors that come into play.

We Only Hire Professional and Experienced Proofreaders: 

First and foremost, we have a strict hiring process when it comes to editing and proofreading. We only hire professionals who have massive experience under their belt. These proofreaders and editors know their trade well and always deliver the finest quality of work.

We Don’t Use Software: 

There are some seemingly sophisticated software that do the proofreading for you but it is always better to keep them at arm’s length. Software can never achieve perfection. No matter how many times you run your paper through it, a professional human editor will still be able to detect errors. We believe in hiring the best humans for your work.